신한카드 카드번호 조회 Application for win-win consumption subsidy, Shinhan Card performance and cashback inquiry

On September 30th, I wrote a summary about the application for win-win consumption subsidy, target, payment, period, limit, and precautions. And from October 1 to 8, each credit card company applied for a five-part system using the last digit of the year of birth. From the 9th, anyone can apply regardless. So, I just finished applying for the Shinhan Card Win-Win Consumption Subsidy.
Not only Shinhan Card, but also other credit card companies such as Kookmin Card, Hyundai Card, and Hana Card apply the same way. Just click the Apply button after verifying your mobile phone identity on the website and you are done. Anyway, I applied with Shinhan Card, so I’m only sharing the method. Eunju’s real life blog is always based on my experiences.
In addition, we will explain not only how to apply, but also the ‘how to check the average monthly card price for the second quarter’, which is the standard for cashback payment, and the ‘how to check the current usage history’ required to receive cashback. It can be easy for those who frequently use financial transactions, but it can be difficult for young students and senior citizens who are not.
How to apply for the Shinhan Card Win-Win Consumption Subsidy 신한카드 카드번호 조회

신한카드 카드번호 조회
Go to Shinhan Card website
A pop-up window appears on the main screen
Click [Apply for Win-Win Consumption Subsidy]. 이베이스매뉴얼
Social security number, name, mobile phone number
Enter your personal information.
Personal information and financial transactions
After confirming and agreeing to the required terms and conditions,
Authenticate with your mobile phone.
Then, the Shinhan Card Win-Win Support Grant application is complete!
The application itself is possible even as a non-member and non-login, but
In order to check the 2nd quarter performance and to understand the cashback status
You must log in through membership registration.
After applying for the Shinhan Card Win-Win Consumption Subsidy
How to check Q2 performance and cashback status
Shinhan Card website
Register and log in.
In the search bar on the Shinhan Card website
Search for [Win-Win Consumption Subsidy]
Click [Check 2Q earnings].
Then, the value of the card used for the second quarter is displayed.
It was searched on Shinhan Card, but not only Shinhan Card
Kookmin, Samsung, Hyundai, Hana, Lotte, BC, Nonghyup, Citi,
You can check Kakao, Toss, and other credit card companies all at once.
In the second quarter of 21st, the average monthly card price for my house was 780,000 won.
These days, I was maintaining an average of 500,000 won per month.
The boiler was replaced in June and soared to 1.2 million won.
In the search bar on the Shinhan Card website
Search for [Win-Win Consumption Subsidy]
Click the [Accumulation Details] button.
Then until you get cashback
You can see how much money you need.
My husband and I used the card this month for 70,000 won.
You can get cashback by spending an additional 730,000 won.
It’s good to get cashback when you spend it,
You don’t have to force yourself to spend for cashback.
Since it was the application period, I applied once.
Sometimes it’s good or it’s not.
In the search bar on the Shinhan Card website
Search for [Win-Win Consumption Subsidy]
Press [Cashback Target Performance Inquiry].
Then, among the card usage history from October to November
The performance details that are included in the cashback are displayed.
So the amount shown here in number 4 is
If it exceeds 103% of the average monthly card price twice
Get 10% cashback on excess amount.
If we explain our house as an example again,
The 2nd quarter card price checked in step 2 is 780,000 won per month.
The cashback threshold is 800,000 won (780,000 × 103% = 800,000)
10% cash back on any amount exceeding this.
For example, suppose you spent 900,000 won on a card in October.
10,000 won cashback at 10% of the 100,000 won exceeding the threshold.
(October card price 900,000 – standard amount 800,000 = 100,000 × 10% = 10,000)
As I said in the middle. I don’t think it’s desirable to intentionally spend more to get cashback. Because there is no such advantage. However, if you have a history of spending, you can use the above method to determine the current situation and choose a method that is beneficial to the economy and households. By deferring or pulling expenses.
For example, if you spend deferred expenses out of the items you have to spend in October and spend them in November, you can get cashback while making the expenses you should have anyway. Or, if you move the expenses you should be spending in December to November, you can spend money that you should have anyway and get cash back. (If the boiler was scheduled to be replaced in December, it can be replaced in November, etc.)