아고다 고객센터 및 전화번호Agoda Customer Center and Phone Number

When you go abroad, you can make a reservation for accommodation or use a brokerage site.

아고다 고객센터

아고다 고객센터

If you use the brokerage site, you can get a discount, so one of them is Agoda.

However, if you visit the accommodation after booking the accommodation, it is not common to say that there is no reservation or the reservation is not confirmed.

In that case, we need to solve it through consultation with Agoda Customer Center phone number, chat, email, etc.

In this article, we have summarized the phone number and various methods of consultation.

Checking Agoda Customer Center Number

1. Agoda Customer Center phone number
Agoda Customer Center phone number is the fastest and most accurate means of handling when you have a problem when booking Agoda.

Agoda operates local customer centers in overseas countries, and if you are a foreign language, it is best to use the local customer center.

If you are not a foreign language, it is recommended to call the customer center phone number operated by Korea.

The Korea Customer Center phone number is 02-6022-2445.

And the phone number of each country is as follows.

Each country-phone number
Each country-phone number
Each country-phone number
Each country-phone number
Phone numbers operated by each country can change and can be checked through the Agoda Partner Hub Site if it changes.

Checking Agoda Customer Center Number

2. How to consult with Agoda Customer Center
Agoda Customer Center consultation methods include the Customer Center number introduced earlier, such as wired phone connection, email consultation, and chat consultation.

The method of consultation through each consultation method is as follows.

1) How to connect to the phone number counselor of Agoda Customer Center
Agoda Customer Center phone number counselor is based on the Korea Customer Center.

① First of all, call the Agoda Customer Center 02-6022-2445.

② Enter the reservation number of the reserved accommodation and press *.

You can check the reservation number through the reservation confirmation e -mail or Agoda reservation information.

Agoda-Reservation number
③ Press 1 (related to hotel/accommodation reservation) or 2 (related to ticket reservation) to complete the consultant connection.

Checking Agoda Customer Center Number

Inquiry about Agoda Chat
2) Agoda chat consultation method
Agoda chat consultation is easy because you can contact us by chat without talking directly.

The chat consultation method is as follows.

① Select the Help and Inquiries at the bottom of the Agoda web page.

② If you contact the Agoda Customer Center, press the button to open the chat window and select the desired item (cancellation of reservations, inquiries related to accommodation, etc.) to leave inquiries through the chatbot.

In the case of chat counseling, there is a determined item that can be contacted, so in the case of certain inquiries, the counselor connection may be required.

Therefore, if you need to process it in a hurry, it is recommended to connect the counselor with the previous customer center phone number.

Inquiry about Agoda Chat

Checking Agoda Customer Center Number

3) Agoda email consultation method
Agoda email consultation method takes about 1 to 2 days to receive answers, so it is not recommended in urgent situations, such as problems when you arrive at your home.

The email consultation method can be received by sending the mail with the reservation number to kr.service@agoda.com.


3. Finish
So far, we have learned about the phone number and various methods of consultation.

If you’re in a hurry, it’s best to call the customer center phone number and connect with the counselor.

Please refer to this article to find out various ways of consultation and contact us in the desired way.