쿠팡플레이 성인인증하는 방법 How to verify adult status on Coupang Play

This post introduces how to verify your age on Coupang Play. There are many contents that only adults can view on Coupang Play. Therefore, regardless of the date of birth information on your Coupang account, you can see instructions to verify your age when playing adult content on Coupang Play. In my case, I first verified my age when watching the SNL program, which is only available on Coupang Play. In order to verify your age on Coupang Play, you must verify your age with a text message from your smartphone. In this article, I will explain the method and precautions, so please refer to them and follow them.쿠팡플레이 성인인증

쿠팡플레이 성인인증

Table of Contents
Coupang Play Adult Verification Precautions
Coupang Play Adult Verification Method
Read more related articles

Coupang Play Adult Verification Precautions
Coupang Play adult verification requires you to be 19 years old and have passed your 20th birthday.
Coupang Play adult verification is possible with a mobile phone that is the same as the account name.
Even if you verify your age on Coupang Play, you cannot view adult content on your kid profile.
Coupang Play adult verification is possible on both the mobile app and PC, but both require text message verification. Coupang Play adult verification cannot be performed on smart TVs or Chromecasts, so please use it after verifying your adult status on a PC or mobile device.
Coupang Play adult verification is applied for 1 year after verification, and you must verify again after the period expires.

Coupang Play adult verification method
The method below is the Coupang Play adult verification process using a smartphone. Coupang Play adult verification can also be performed on the PC site, but mobile phone text verification is required in the same way, so please refer to it.

How to verify Coupang Play adult status (simple verification via text message)
1. Run the Coupang app on your smartphone.

Coupang adult verification method 2
2. Click Search and search for adult content.

Coupang adult verification method 3
3. Click Play on the content details screen.

Coupang adult verification method 4
4. Click the Verify Adult button.

Coupang adult verification method 5
5. Select a telecommunications company and check the agreement to terms and conditions.
6. Click Start.

Coupang adult verification method 6
7. Click Verify via text message at the bottom.

If the PASS app is installed and available, you can proceed by entering your name and mobile phone number instead of text authentication.

Coupang adult verification method 7
8. Enter your name, resident registration number, and mobile phone number and click Confirm.

Coupang adult verification method 8
9. Enter the authentication number received by text message and click Confirm.

Coupang adult verification method 9
10. Coupang Play adult authentication is complete.

Now, you can watch adult content by logging in to the corresponding account on Coupang Play on your PC, smartphone, or smart TV (Chromecast). This age authentication is only applied for 1 year, so please remember to re-authenticate using the above method after 1 year. I hope this was helpful. Thank you.