현대이지웰 복지몰 바로가기 Go to Hyundai Easywell Welfare Mall

Today, I will tell you how to find the Easywell Welfare Mall site address. There are welfare benefits of their own for executives and employees of well-known companies in Korea, public enterprises, local governments, and education office officials, which can be used when points are added to the site.

현대이지웰 복지몰

현대이지웰 복지몰



Hyundai Easywell-Address
Hyundai Ezwell-hyundaiezwel.com
Easywell Welfare Mall site address change

The operation of this site itself is a closed mall and can only be used by its members. Therefore, only company employees can log in, and anyone who knows the “company code” can know the address.




Now, Easywell Fair has changed to “Hyundai Easywell,” and store openings and related inquiries can be made on the website. If you go here, you will find more diverse content, so if you want detailed information, you may want to enter separately and take a look.





Company code.ezwel.com
Company code.ezwel.com
▶ How to access welfare mall


ezwel.com at the end is a required input, and the company code at the front is important. If you don’t know, there is a welfare officer’s phone number, so you can call to find out.


Since it appears at the top when you search for it on most portal sites, let’s look at it through an actual example.





Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education-Easywell
Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education-Easywell
Gyeongbuk Provincial Office-Easywell
Gyeongbuk Provincial Office-Easywell
▶ Office of Education, local government (city hall, provincial office) address


For example, you can search for Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education “Easywell,” “welfare mall,” or “welfare center.”





Public enterprise list
Public enterprise list
List of companies and institutions related to Easywell Welfare Mall

All public enterprises such as the Bank of Korea, Financial Supervisory Service, Korea Rural Community Corporation, Korea Exchange, Korea Railroad Corporation, etc. have created a welfare center and are paying points to their employees.





List of local governments
List of local governments
Private company list
Private company list
When checking private companies, there were cases like Samsung Electronics that did not have ezwel.com at the end, like Blueberry Mall (sec.s-bluevery.com). In addition, you can see that various companies in each field have joined, including LG Electronics, Daewoo Engineering & Construction, Sempio, Hanwha Group, and Jin Air. Those companies can also find their addresses using the method described above. Sometimes, you may not be able to search properly. If you call the staff in charge and ask, they will kindly answer.